Boost Your Energy Efficiency With a Home Energy Consultation

Get a Check-Up For Your House

Have your energy bills been high lately? It may be time for a home energy consultation. We will assess your house and provide solutions that will not only make it less expensive to heat and cool, but more comfortable and healthier, too.
Home Energy Consultations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Home Energy Consultations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Benefits of a Home Energy Consultation

  • A detailed report on the condition of all major systems in your home, including the following:
    • Water heater
    • Furnace
    • Boilers
    • Ductwork
    • Insulation
    • Air leakage levels
    • Lighting
    • Air conditioning
    • Ventilation
  • Detailed recommendations on what improvements can be made and in what order to do them
  • Protection from unrealistic energy-saving claims
  • Free estimates for all recommended improvements

The Dr. Energy Saver Difference

With a home energy consultation with Dr. Energy Saver by Larson & Keeney Home Services, you will get a completely comprehensive look at what your house needs to be more energy efficient.

Many “single-solution” contractors will promise to resolve all of your issues with a single, large upgrade like a new furnace or new windows. However, we take the time to ensure that we know exactly what improvements need to be made and in what order to do them.

Many home energy systems interact with each other to bring about your home’s comfort, energy efficiency, and healthfulness. That’s why it’s essential to do an entire home energy consultation. While fixing one issue may seem like it could fix the entire problem, it may be the case that there are other factors in other systems that are contributing to the problem, as well.

Home Energy Consultations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Energy Experts You Can Rely On

Dr. Energy Saver technicians are trained extensively at the company’s training center and corporate headquarters to ensure quality consultations. Our Energy Analysts are also certified by the Building Performance Institute, which is the leading certification organization for energy auditors.

Don’t suffer through any more drafts or high energy bills. Reach out to us today for a top-tier home energy consultation.

Contact Our Professionals
