Did a Hail Storm Damage Your Roof?

Did a Hail Storm Damage Your Roof?

Larson & Keeney Home Service’s Steps To Take When Hail Damages Your Roof

When nature unleashes ferocious hailstorms, your roof often bears the brunt of the damage. If you’re a homeowner grappling with the aftermath of a storm or other severe weather events, navigating the process of roof repair and replacements can feel overwhelming. But worry not, Larson & Keeney Home Services (LKHS) is here to help! In this blog, we’ll talk about how to assess hail storm damage to your roof in six easy steps. We’ll also go over how hail can damage your roof in different ways, depending on what material your roof is made of.

What To Do if Hail Has Damaged Your Roof

Here are our six easy steps to take if your roof has been damaged by hail:

1. Assess the Damage Begin by examining your home for any signs of hail or storm damage. Take a walk around the exterior and inspect for visible issues like broken shingles, dented gutters, or shattered windows. Snap photos of the damage and jot down notes on what needs fixing.
2. Contact Your Insurance Company Get in touch with your insurance provider promptly after assessing the damage. Give them a call to report what happened, detailing when the damage occurred and its extent. They’ll need this info to process your claim.
3. Schedule an Inspection Your insurance company will likely send an adjuster to check out the damage. Be there when they arrive so you can point out any issues you’ve noticed. The adjuster will evaluate the damage and estimate repair costs.
4. Review Your Policy Take a look at your insurance policy to understand what it covers. While most policies include hail and storm damage, there might be limits or exceptions. Know what your policy entails before moving forward with repairs.
5. File Your Claim Once the inspection is done and you’ve reviewed your policy, it’s time to file your claim. Follow your insurance company’s instructions and provide all necessary documents, including photos of the damage and repair estimates.
6. Make Repairs Once your claim gets the green light, start repairing your home. You can either tackle the fixes yourself or hire a professional. If opting for the latter, get quotes from different contractors and choose one with a solid reputation.

The Material of Your Roof Matters

Understanding how hail impacts different roofing materials is crucial for homeowners faced with the aftermath of severe weather. Whether it’s asphalt shingles, wood shingles, or slate roofs, each type of material reacts differently to hail damage.

Asphalt Shingles

The most common form of damage by hail is crushed or dented areas where roof granules ingrain themselves in the shingle mat material or are knocked loose entirely. Since these granules serve as protection against UV degradation, hail dents can shorten the lifespan of asphalt shingles.

Wood Shingles

Even though wood and hail are natural elements—wood shingles can still crack when impacted by hail. This cracking can lead to sections of shingles breaking loose from the roof, causing even more damage.

Slate Roofs

When slate roofs experience hail, it can cause random cracking all along the roof.  Additionally, some slates may dislodge from their fasteners and slide off the roof entirely.

If Hail Damages Your Roof, Give LKHS a Call

At Larson & Keeney Home Services, we specialize in restoring and repairing roofs to their pre-hailstorm condition. Our team of experienced professionals is equipped to handle any roofing challenge with precision and care. From assessing the damage to executing repairs, we’re committed to providing top-quality service and peace of mind to our customers. Don’t let hail damage leave you in the dark—trust Larson & Keeney Home Services to keep your roof strong and secure for years to come.

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